Frequently Asked Questions
1) How many homes are there in the community?
The Fairways West subdivision contains 307 single-family homes.
2) Are there any parks or common areas within the subdivision?
The Fairways West subdivision has approximately 45 acres of common areas comprised of eight designated parks maintained by the Association. They include:
Brookmill Park: Bordering streets are to the North: Torrington North, South: Glengarry, East: Torrington West and West: Beck. 20.20 acres with a flow through detention pond and part wooded.
Chartwell Park North: Bordering streets are to the North: Cherry Hill, South: Torrington North, East: Woodward and West: Beck. 8.59 acres wooded.
Chartwell Park South: Bordering streets are to the North: Cherry Hill, South: Madison, East: Madison Ct and West: Beck. 2.40 acres with large detention pond.
Elmington Park: Bordering streets are to the North: Ashford, South: Central Park, East: Torrington West and West: Beck. 4.62 acres open.
Terrace Park: Bordering streets are to the North: Hastings, South: Terrace Ct, East: Torrington West and West: Central Park. 7.07 acres wooded.
Torrington Park: Bordering streets are to the North: Cherry Hill, South: Torrington North, East: Pavillon and West: Woodward. 1.44 acres with a flow through detention pond.
Woodward Park East: Bordering streets are to the North: Cherry Hill, South: N/A, East: N/A, West: Woodward. <1 acre at north entrance of subdivision.
Woodward Park West Bordering streets are to the North: Cherry Hill, South: N/A, East: Woodward, West: Kirkway. <1 acre at north entrance of subdivision.
3) I live adjacent to a common area, who maintains it and am I allowed to make improvements?
The Association is responsible for maintaining all the common areas. You are allowed to make improvements; however, approval from the Board is required.
4) Where can I get more information on annual dues?
Dues are due on January 1st as set in the Covenants and Restrictions (Article V, Section 8, "The annual assessment for any year, after the first year, shall become due and payable on the first day of January of such year").
Dues notices are typically sent via USPS mail to each house address, Attention Current Resident each November. In the event you do not receive a notice by December 15th, please contact us at
For bookkeeping and efficiency, no receipts of payments are provided. Receipt of payment is indicated by the processing of your check. Checks received prior to January 1st will not be processed until after January 1st.
There are currently no on-line payment options (i.e. paypal, venmo, etc.) Many banks have an option to send a physical check from their website. Check with your bank as this may be an option vs. writing and mailing a check.
What does the HOA use our annual dues for?
Typically, our biggest expense is lawn care in the summer (we have ~45 acres of community use land within the sub) and snow and ice management in the winter. (we have ~4 miles of roads within the sub) In recent years, we've been working with the township and county to get our roads repaired. Beyond those, we carry insurance, pay utilities, do some social activities and pay for general maintenance around the common areas. The documents section of this website contains minutes of our monthly and Annual HOA meetings, organized by year. There is a budget breakdown in the annual board meeting presentations found there.
I never received an invoice of the annual dues in the mail, is my payment still due?
Your HOA sends out dues notices as a courtesy to homeowners in the neighborhood. Even if you never received a notice, it is still the responsibility of the homeowner to pay the annual dues. Please contact us at if you do not receive you annual notice.
5) What should I do if I see an area within the subdivision that requires maintenance?
Contact your Home Owners Association at
6) One of the trees located in the front easement (between the sidewalk and road) is dead, is the Association or Township responsible for replacing it?
No. The original trees were paid for by the builder and planted by the Township. Homeowners are responsible for replacing dead boulevard trees. Contact your Home Owners Association at to see if there are any programs available to assist in replacing dead trees.
7) What should I do if I see a fellow homeowner not adhering to Covenants and Restrictions?
Please mail a letter referencing the Covenant you believe is being violated to Fairways West P.O. Box 87027, Canton MI 48187 (or email the Board at Also be aware that the Architectural Review Committee cannot make exceptions to the Covenants and Restrictions. And one special note on satellite dishes, this restriction can no longer be enforced as it is written (as the Federal Communications Act of 1996, which occurred after the Covenants were written, made the restriction obsolete). The Architectural Review Committee must still approve the mounting location however. Please also see the Canton Ordinance Chapter 66, Article IV, pertaining to satellite dishes.
8) I'd like to make some changes to the exterior of my home, do I need to contact the Association for approval?
Yes, per Article VI, Section 1 of the Covenants and Restrictions, "No Improvement shall be erected, placed, installed...on any Lot, nor shall any exterior addition to, or change in, or alteration of the exterior appearance of any Improvement, or any change in landscaping, be made until plans and specifications...have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Architectural Review Committee. Please submit your plans to Fairways West P.O. Box 87027, Canton MI 48187 (or email the Board at The ARC Form can be found here. (PDF version)
9) After it rains, I have pockets of standing water in the easement at the edge of my lot, is the Association responsible for repairing the grade?
Welcome to Canton clay, known to cause fits of rage among landscapers and in-ground sprinkler installers. The clay doesn't drain well, so having a proper final grade, and then preventing your landscaper or a utility company from disturbing your grade, is very important. The final grade was the responsibility of the builder of your home, not the Association nor the developer. Some homeowners have had success with installing a French Drain (be sure to contact Miss Dig for underground utilities prior to starting any digging).
10) What should I do when there is a big snowstorm?
In the event a snowstorm is on the way, please:
Keep parked cars off subdivision streets to allow snow removal
Keep the sidewalks in front of your property free of snow and ice
Make sure your mailbox is in good condition
For additional information, review our Snow and Ice Management FAQ's.
Refer snow removal questions to
11) When is the neighborhood garage sale?
The third week of May, Thursday through Saturday, each year.
12) Who is responsible for our roads and storm sewers?
Wayne County owns the roads and storm sewers in our neighborhood. Neighbors are encouraged to report issues with roads and storm sewers to Wayne County here.
13) How does my Home Owners Association Communicate with me?
In addition to the Monthly HOA and the Annual Board of Directors meetings (both open to all residents), there are two primary ways your HOA will communicate with you:
Direct emails via the email address(s) we have on file for you. You can verify your contact information when you send in your annual dues, or by contacting your HOA at
Updates to this website. Your Home Owners Association strives to update the announcements section of this website at least monthly. You can receive notifications of these updates by providing your contact information to
14) I'd like to know more about the annual beautification awards?
The Annual Beautification Award Program is a friendly competition sponsored by your Home Owners Association to encourage neighbors to maintain the appearance of their homes. Judging for the annual beautification awards typically occurs in July each summer. Winners are assessed by the beautification judging committee based on the following criteria:
1) Lawn is well manicured, free of weeds and overgrowth, pavement edges are neatly trimmed
2) Bushes and shrubbery are trimmed
3) Mulch and hard-scapes are well maintained
4) Beds and edging are in proper position
5) Colorful flowers
6) Driveways are free from weeds
7) House/roof/siding/brickwork is well maintained.
In a nutshell, the winning houses have and maintain great curb appeal, helping to improve the overall appearance of our neighborhood. An award sign will be placed at the winning houses in August. There is no set number of awards to be given.
If you are interested in being part of the judging committee, please reach out to your Home Owners Association at
15) Does the Home Owners Association recommend any contractors to perform repairs/upgrades to my house?
Due to the unique nature of home repairs as well as potential liability associated with recommending contractors, your Home Owners Association does not provide recommendations or listing for service providers. Neighbors are encouraged to connect on Nextdoor for information of this nature.