November, 2024 Announcements
Wednesday, November 27th, 2024
2025 Dues are due January 1st, 2025. Invoices have been sent via USPS to "Current Resident" at everyone's address. Please keep an eye out for these envelopes.
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for December 17, at 7 pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Canton Clean up – NO Canton Cleanup or recycling in December. (visit for more information)
Last Day for Yard refuse pick up this year is Saturday, December 14th.
Homeowners Association Dues are due January 1st. An invoice will be mailed via USPS to your home in early December.
Remember to review our Snow and Ice Management FAQ's before our first snow storm.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
October, 2024 Announcements
Thursday, October 10th, 2024
The Fairways West Home Owners Association annual meeting will be held, Tuesday, October 22nd at 7 pm. The meeting will be held at the Canton Admin Offices, Room A, 1150 S. Canton Center, Canton, MI 48188. An invitation will be sent to the email address on file for your address.
If you do not have an email address on file, or would like to verify your contact information, please contact
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for November 12th, 2024. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Canton Clean up – Recycling and Clean up October 26th, (visit for more information)
Let’s keep the lights on! Please consider leaving your outdoor houselights on overnight, this increases safety and can help deter crime.
Reminder for all our dog owners - Your HomeOwners Association provides bags and waste stations at several locations throughout the neighborhood. Please utilize these to pick up after your dogs.
Reminder for everyone - Neighbors are asked to be mindful of the appearance of the neighborhood and not place Garbage, recycling and lawn waste cans prior to 6pm Thursday. Additionally, please remove garbage cans before 6 pm each Friday.
Email Address, Phone # changed? Help us keep in touch with you. Update your contact information:
Winter is right around the corner. Please take a moment to review our Snow and Ice Management Program Frequently Asked Questions.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
August, 2024 Announcements
Tuesday, August 13th, 2024
Our Magic show & Movie night block party is scheduled for SATURDAY, September 7th starting at 7:30 pm. It will be held at Brookmill park near the corner of Glengarry and Delaford. See you there!
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for August 20th, 2024. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Canton Clean up – Recycling and Clean up is Saturday, August 24th, (visit for more information)
Reminder for all our dog owners - Your HomeOwners Association provides bags and waste stations at several locations throughout the neighborhood. Please utilize these to pick up after your dogs.
Reminder for everyone - Neighbors are asked to be mindful of the appearance of the neighborhood and not place Garbage, recycling and lawn waste cans prior to 6pm Thursday. Additionally, please remove garbage cans before 6 pm each Friday.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
July, 2024 Announcements
Tuesday, July 16th, 2024
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for August 20th, 2024. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Canton Clean up – Recycling and Clean up August XX (visit for more information)
Neighborhood Block Party and Movie is coming in August. Stay tuned for more information.
THE AIRSHOW IS COMING – July 20th and 21 (visit for more information)
Annual Neighborhood Beautification Awards to be judged in THIS MONTH - If winning isn’t everything, then why do they keep score?
Let’s keep the lights on! Please consider leaving your outdoor house lights on overnight, this increases safety and can help deter crime.
Don’t forget to tell your neighbors about our news feed, have them send their email address to or sign up with the tool at the top of this webpage.
Got suggestions on improving our neighborhood communications? contact your board at
Reminder for all our dog owners - Your HomeOwners Association provides bags and waste stations at several locations throughout the neighborhood. Please utilize these to pick up after your dogs.
Reminder for everyone - Neighbors are asked to be mindful of the appearance of the neighborhood and not place Garbage, recycling and lawn waste cans prior to 6pm Thursday. Additionally, please remove garbage cans before 6 pm each Friday.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
May, 2024 Announcements
Tuesday, May 14th
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for June 4th at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
The neighborhood garage sale is scheduled for May 16th thru 18th.
Canton Clean up -Recycling and Clean up May 25th and June 29th, (visit for more information)
Please remember, modifications and changes to the exterior of your home must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee. Additionally, neighbors are strongly encouraged to discuss plans with neighbors prior to making changes. Click here for the ARC Request Form.
Canton’s Liberty Fest is the weekend of June 14th (visit for more information)
Annual Neighborhood Beautification Awards to be given in July, watch those weeds! - Want to join the judging committee? Email
Other Reminders:
Don’t forget to tell your neighbors about our news feed, have them send their email address to or sign up with the tool at the top of this webpage.
Got suggestions on improving our neighborhood communications? contact your board at
Reminder for all our dog owners - Your HomeOwners Association provides bags and waste stations at several locations throughout the neighborhood. Please utilize these to pick up after your dogs.
Reminder for everyone - Neighbors are asked to be mindful of the appearance of the neighborhood and not place Garbage, recycling and lawn waste cans prior to 6pm Thursday. Additionally, please remove garbage cans before 6 pm each Friday.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
April, 2024 Announcements
Monday, April 15th
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for May 7th at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Annual Neighborhood Beautification Awards to be given in July, Anybody want to go halfsies on a Front End Loader?
The neighborhood garage sale is scheduled for May 16th thru 18th.
Canton Clean up - Recycling and Clean up is on April 27th (visit for more information)
Canton’s Liberty Fest is the weekend of June 13, 14, 14th (visit for more information)
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
Other Reminders:
Let’s keep the lights on! Please consider leaving your outdoor house lights on overnight, this increases safety and can help deter crime.
For all our dog owners - Your HomeOwners Association provides bags and waste stations at several locations throughout the neighborhood. Please utilize these to pick up after your dogs.
For everyone - Neighbors are asked to be mindful of the appearance of the neighborhood and not place Garbage, recycling and lawn waste cans prior to 6pm each Thursday. Additionally, please remove garbage cans before 6 pm each Friday.
March, 2024 Announcements
Thursday, March 7th
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for May 7th at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Our Landscaping Contractor has arranged for special pricing for Tree Planting this Spring. Please check your email for more information. If you are not on our email list, please send your contact information to
The neighborhood garage sale is scheduled for May 16th thru 18th.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
February, 2024 Announcements
Thursday, February 22nd
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for March 5th at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members' individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Homeowners Association Dues have been collected. If you have not paid your dues, contact your treasurer at (Please remember, reciepts are not provided. A cashed check in your bank statement serves as receipt of payment)
Other reminders:
Please remember, modifications and changes to the exterior of your home must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee. Additionally, neighbors are strongly encouraged to discuss plans with neighbors prior to making changes. Click here for the ARC Request Form.
Connect with your Home Owners Association. Send your contact information to to get on our private mailing list and receive updates and information about your neighborhood.
While your Home Owners Association does post news and announcements here, we also will send additional information out via email. Providing your email address to your HOA will ensure you are receiving information via all the channels.
Let’s keep the lights on! Please consider leaving your outdoor house lights on overnight, this increases safety and can help deter crime.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
January, 2024 Announcements
Wednesday, January 10th, 9:00 pm
Association Dues are due January 1st. Be sure to pay ASAP 31st to avoid late fees!
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for February 13th, at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members’ individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
December 2023 Announcements
Wednesday, December 6th, 9:00 am
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for January 9th at 7 pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members' individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Homeowners Association Dues are due January 1st. An invoice was mailed via USPS to your home in early December. Please check out the FAQ page here for more information on our dues.
Christmas Tree curbside pick up is the first two weeks of January.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
Fairways West Annual Meeting Announcement
Tuesday, October 17th, 8:00 pm
The Annual Board Meeting is scheduled for October 24th at 7pm. The meeting will be held at the Canton Admin Offices, Room A, 1150 S. Canton Center, Canton, MI 48188. An invitation will be sent to the email address on file for your address.
If you do not have an email address on file, or would like to verify your contact information, please contact
September 2023 Announcements
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for October 3rd at 7 pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Road Repairs in the sub are beginning soon. Please keep an eye out for more emails with directions and information.
The Annual Board Meeting is scheduled for October 26th at 7pm. The meeting will be held at the Canton Township Administrative Offices, 1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI 49187, Conference Room A.
Looking to get more involved in your neighborhood? The HOA board has opportunities for you. Volunteer for a single project, serve as a board member, take an officer position, the possibilities are endless! Contact for more information.
Canton Clean up – Recycling and Clean up September 23rd and October 28th, (visit for more information)
Please take care when setting your trash out, the recent windstorms have tipped over cans and sent trash all over neighbors yards. Put all trash in tied bags. Neighbors are asked to be mindful of the appearance of the neighborhood and not place Garbage, recycling and lawn waste cans prior to 6pm Thursday. Additionally, please remove garbage cans before 6 pm each Friday.
Don’t forget to tell your neighbors about our news feed, have them send their email address to
For all our dog owners - Your HomeOwners Association provides bags and waste stations at several locations throughout the neighborhood. Please utilize these to pick up after your dogs.
Got suggestions on improving our neighborhood communications? contact your board at
Please trim boulevard trees overhanging the sidewalk and roads. This makes walking the neighborhood more enjoyable for everyone.
Please consider leaving porch lights on as the days get shorter. This can increase safety and help deter crime.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
Fall 2023 Tree Program
Our landscaping contractor is offering tree planting for special pricing. Please contact for more information.
August 2023 Announcements
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for September 5th at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members' individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Canton Clean up – Recycling and Clean up is August 19th, (visit for more information)
Road construction is scheduled to begin this month and continue through the end of September.
THE AIRSHOW IS COMING – August 12th and 13th (visit for more information)
School will be back in session soon. Kids will be at the bus stops early, buses will be in the neighborhood. Please be sure you are driving safely through the neighborhood considering these changing conditions.
Reminder for all our dog owners - Your HomeOwners Association provides bags and waste stations at several locations throughout the neighborhood. Please utilize these to pick up after your dogs.
Reminder for everyone - Neighbors are asked to be mindful of the appearance of the neighborhood and not place Garbage, recycling and lawn waste cans prior to 6pm Thursday. Additionally, please remove garbage cans before 6 pm each Friday.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
2023 Road Repairs
Your HomeOwners Association is excited to share the details below regarding upcoming road repairs!
Repairs/Replacements will begin in mid to late August and hopefully wrap up by the end of September. Repairs will be similar to previous years in scope/extent.
A couple notes from your HOA:
These repairs have been arranged through the road mileage that passed a few years ago.
Areas to be repaired are established by the township.
Remember, storm drains are the responsibility of Wayne County. If you have a concern about a storm drain, please reach out to Wayne County here.
Some instructions from the contractor performing the repairs:
As work is approaching in your sub please notify your residents if you have the ability to do so. Please give them the following information and reminders:
Please note concrete must cure for about 5 days before it can be open to traffic, an adjacent panel can be removed, or asphalt work can occur next to it. Also, refrain from walking or biking on the concrete for at least 24 hours.
Please ask residents to park in drives instead of the street during construction, or park a good distance from the pavement improvements. They will be asked to move vehicles if they are in the way. A few days before the contractor starts, a Spalding DeDecker inspector will paint the limits of repairs, then barrels will be dropped off by Cipparrone so residents will know if they are affected.
Please ask that they have their lawn sprinkler systems turned off while work is occurring in front of their homes. The excess water can make the work more difficult for the contractor, especially if it is filling open holes in the pavement.
Tell residents not to drive through the concrete slurry that results from saw cutting concrete as it can make a mess of cars when splashed and is very difficult to get off. The same is true of tack for asphalt roads - please tell them not to drive on milled, tacked surfaces as the tack can coat tires and is very difficult to remove if it gets on cars.
In the event of limited access to mailboxes, know that the USPS will hold mail at the post office if they cannot get to mail boxes.
The contractor will assist in getting trash receptacles picked up at the end of the drive on trash day if driveways are blocked due to construction. This requires residents to have their trash out to the curb in a timely manner.
Lastly, please remind residents that we understand the construction work may be inconvenient, but bear with us as we do the work and we will try to minimize the disruption and the time we are in each sub. Please slow down when going through construction areas since there may be workers present, or it may be down to 1 lane and you need to watch for oncoming traffic.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at
July 2023 Announcements
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for August 1st at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members' individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Canton Clean up – Recycling and Clean up August 19th (visit for more information)
Neighborhood Block Party and Movie is scheduled for Friday, July 28, 2023 starting in the afternoon in Brookmill Park at Glengarry Blvd & Delaford Dr (location has moved this year). We will have an outdoor screening of UP starting at Dusk. Contact Mark Kimmel: for more information.
THE AIRSHOW IS COMING – August 12th and 13th (visit for more information)
Annual Neighborhood Beautification Awards to be given in THIS MONTH - If winning isn’t everything, then why do they keep score?
Let’s keep the lights on! Please consider leaving your outdoor house lights on overnight, this increases safety and can help deter crime.
Don’t forget to tell your neighbors about our news feed, have them send their email address to or sign up with the tool at the top of this webpage.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
Don’t forget to tell your neighbors about our news feed, have them send their email address to or sign up with the tool at the top of this webpage.
May 2023 Announcements
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for June 6th @ 7pm . These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members' individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
The neighborhood garage sale is scheduled for May 18th thru 20th. .
Canton Clean up -Recycling and Clean up May 20th, (visit for more information)
Please remember, modifications and changes to the exterior of your home must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee. Additionally, neighbors are strongly encouraged to discuss plans with neighbors prior to making changes. Click here for the ARC Request Form.
Canton’s Liberty Fest is the weekend of June 15th (visit for more information)
Annual Neighborhood Beautification Awards to be given in July, watch those weeds! - Want to join the judging committee? Email
Neighborhood Block Party and Movie is scheduled for Friday, July 28th 2023 starting in the afternoon in Brookmill Park at Glengarry Blvd (location has moved this year). We will have Food and an outdoor screening of "UP" starting at Dusk. Contact Mark Kimmel: for more information.
Please take care when setting your trash out, the recent windstorms have tipped over cans and sent trash all over neighbors yards. Put all trash in tied bags. Neighbors are asked to be mindful of the appearance of the neighborhood and not place Garbage, recycling and lawn waste cans prior to 6pm Thursday. Additionally, please remove garbage cans before 6 pm each Friday.
Don’t forget to tell your neighbors about our news feed, have them send their email address to
For all our dog owners - Your HomeOwners Association provides bags and waste stations at several locations throughout the neighborhood. Please utilize these to pick up after your dogs.
Got suggestions on improving our neighborhood communications? contact your board at
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
April 2023 Announcements
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for May 2nd at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members' individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
The neighborhood garage sale is scheduled for May 18th thru 20th.
Canton’s Liberty Fest is the weekend of June 15, 16, 17 (visit for more information)
Annual Neighborhood Beautification Awards to be given in July, Anybody want to go halfsies on a Front End Loader?
Let’s keep the lights on! Please consider leaving your outdoor house lights on overnight, this increases safety and can help deter crime.
Reminder for all our dog owners - Your HomeOwners Association provides bags and waste stations at several locations throughout the neighborhood. Please utilize these to pick up after your dogs.
Reminder for everyone - Neighbors are asked to be mindful of the appearance of the neighborhood and not place Garbage, recycling and lawn waste cans prior to 6pm each Thursday. Additionally, please remove garbage cans before 6 pm each Friday.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
March 2023 Announcements
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for April 4th 11th at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members' individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
The neighborhood garage sale is scheduled for May 18th thru 20th.
Reminder: Please ensure your trash is secured during bad weather. Several trash cans were blown over the last couple weeks and trash was spread throughout the neighborhood.
Special note from Canton Township:
Canton Township has worked with GFL to schedule a special pick up of fallen branches on Saturday, March 18.
Branches/limbs must be manageable in size with cut ends facing the curb, and small branches/twigs should be tied or bundled. GFL will only collect debris left at the curb. If there are larger limbs on private property, residents will need to work with their HOAs or a private landscaping company for removal. Residents can also drop off fallen branches only at the DPW yard, 4847 Sheldon Road, for the next week. The dumpster is located in front of the DPW.
If you are unable to get branches/limbs cut and at the curb by Saturday, please remember that yard waste pick up begins the week of April 3. Brush and branches may be disposed of on your weekly trash collection day provided it is broken down and placed in garbage cans, paper compost bags or tied in bundles of less than four feet in length and less than 50 pounds.
Please have limbs/branches/twigs placed at the curb by 6 a.m. for pick up.
Click here for more information.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
February 2023 Announcements
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for March 7th at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members' individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Homeowners Association Dues have been collected. If you have not paid your dues, contact your treasurer at
Please remember, modifications and changes to the exterior of your home must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee. Additionally, neighbors are strongly encouraged to discuss plans with neighbors prior to making changes. Click here for the ARC Request Form.
Let’s keep the lights on! Please consider leaving your outdoor house lights on overnight, this increases safety and can help deter crime.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
Stay connected with Fairways West
Connect with your Home Owners Association. Send your contact information to to get on our private mailing list and receive updates and information about your neighborhood.
While your Home Owners Association does post news and announcements here, we also will send additional information out via email. Providing your email address to your HOA will ensure you are receiving information via all the channels.
November 2022 Announcements
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for December 6th, at 7 pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members' individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Winter is coming, please take a moment to review our Snow and Ice Management Program FAQ’s found here.
Canton Clean up – NO Canton Cleanup or recycling in December. (visit for more information)
Last Day for Yard refuse pick up is December 17th. Pick up will resume in April, 2023.
Annual Homeowners Association Dues are due January 1st, 2022. Invoices have been mailed to your home. Please check out the FAQ page here for more information on our dues.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
Fairways West Annual Meeting Announcement
Sunday, October 9th, 9:00 pm
The Annual Board Meeting is scheduled for October 25th at 7pm. The meeting will be held at the Canton Admin Offices, Room A, 1150 S. Canton Center Canton, MI 48188. An invitation will be sent to the email address on file for your address. If you do not have an email address on file, or would like to verify your contact information, please contact
School is Back in Session - Please Drive Cautiously
Tuesday, September 6th, 7:00 am
School is back in session. Kids are at the bus stops early, buses will be in the neighborhood. Please be sure to you are driving safely through the neighborhood considering these changing conditions.
Please talk with all the drivers in your household about proper speed and caution in our subdivisions with this change in patterns.
August 2022 Updates
Thursday, August 18th, 5:00 pm
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for September 6th at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members' individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Canton Clean up – Recycling and Clean up is August 20th & September 24th, (visit for more information)
School will be back in session soon. Kids will be at the bus stops early, buses will be in the neighborhood. Please be sure to you are driving safely through the neighborhood considering these changing conditions.
Reminder for all our dog owners - Your HomeOwners Association provides bags and waste stations at several locations throughout the neighborhood. Please utilize these to pick up after your dogs.
Reminder for everyone - Neighbors are asked to be mindful of the appearance of the neighborhood and not place Garbage, recycling and lawn waste cans prior to 6pm Thursday. Additionally, please remove garbage cans before 6 pm each Friday.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
July 2022 Updates
Monday, July 18th, 10:00 am
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 6th at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Canton Clean up – Recycling and Clean up August 20th (visit for more information)
Neighborhood Block Party and Movie is scheduled for Friday, July 22nd, 2022 starting at Dusk in Brookmill Park at Glengarry Blvd and Delaford Dr. We will have an outdoor screening of "The Goonies" starting at Dusk. Contact Mark Kimmel: for more information.
Annual Neighborhood Beautification Awards to be given in July – Everyone has the desire to win, but only champions have the desire to prepare.
Looking to get more involved in your neighborhood? Your Homeowners Association has a place for you. Run a special project, join a committee, or consider an office. We have volunteer opportunities that fit your lifestyle!
Did you get a new Email Address? Did your phone # changed? Help us keep in touch with you. Update your contact information with an email to:
Reminder for all our dog owners - Your HomeOwners Association provides bags and waste stations at several locations throughout the neighborhood. Please utilize these to pick up after your dogs.
Reminder for everyone - Neighbors are asked to be mindful of the appearance of the neighborhood and not place Garbage, recycling and lawn waste cans prior to 6pm Thursday. Additionally, please remove garbage cans before 6 pm each Friday.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
June 2022 Updates
Wednesday, June 15th, 12:00 pm
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 6th at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Canton Clean up – Recycling and Clean up June 25th (visit for more information)
Neighborhood Block Party and Movie is scheduled for Friday, July 22nd, 2022 starting at dusk in Brookmill Park at Glengarry Blvd (location has moved this year). We will have an outdoor screening of "The Goonies" starting at Dusk. Contact Mark Kimmel: for more information.
THE AIRSHOW IS COMING – July 16th & 17th (visit for more information)
Annual Neighborhood Beautification Awards to be given in July – Everyone has the desire to win, but only champions have the desire to prepare.
Looking to get more involved in your neighborhood? Your Homeowners Association has a place for you. Run a special project, join a committee, or consider an office. We have volunteer opportunities that fit your lifestyle!
Did you get a new Email Address? Did your phone # changed? Help us keep in touch with you. Update your contact information with an email to:
Reminder for all our dog owners - Your HomeOwners Association provides bags and waste stations at several locations throughout the neighborhood. Please utilize these to pick up after your dogs.
Reminder for everyone - Neighbors are asked to be mindful of the appearance of the neighborhood and not place Garbage, recycling and lawn waste cans prior to 6pm Thursday. Additionally, please remove garbage cans before 6 pm each Friday.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
Road Construction Update
Wednesday, June 1st, 12:00 pm
The road repairs entered their second phase this week, consisting of removal and pouring of more repairs.
While we can't be certain, we expect the majority of the construction to wrap up by June 17th.
A couple reminders:
1) For the safety of everyone, please keep your speed down in the neighborhood (this should be the norm regardless of construction
2) Do not park in the street - this makes it difficult for the equipment to move around AND hard for the crews to access repairs
3) Do not move the barricades/yellow tape - the concrete needs sufficient time to cure, moving them and driving over uncured concrete will damage the new concrete
4) Do not run your sprinklers if there is open holes or freshly poured concrete in front of your house - again, this will negatively affect the new concrete
Finally, your HomeOwners Association has arranged for street sweeping following the completion of the repairs. More information on this will come as we approach the end of the construction.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your HOA at
May 2022 Update
Friday, May 13th, 1:00 pm
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for June 7th @ 7pm . These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members' individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Road repairs are underway in the neighborhood. Please keep an eye on your email as we will be sending information on the repairs to the emails we have on file.
Canton Clean up -Recycling and Clean up May 14th and June 25th, (visit for more information)
Please remember, modifications and changes to the exterior of your home must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee. Additionally, neighbors are strongly encouraged to discuss plans with neighbors prior to making changes. Click here for the ARC Request Form.
Canton’s Liberty Fest is the weekend of June 17th (visit for more information)
Annual Neighborhood Beautification Awards to be given in July, watch those weeds! - Want to join the judging committee? Email
Neighborhood Block Party and Movie is scheduled for Friday, July 22nd, 2022 starting in the afternoon in Brookmill Park at Glengarry Blvd (location has moved this year). We will have an outdoor screening of The Goonies! starting at Dusk. Contact Mark Kimmel: for more information.
Don’t forget to tell your neighbors about our news feed, have them send their email address to
Got suggestions on improving our neighborhood communications? contact your board at
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
April 2022 Update
Thursday, April 14, 1:00 pm
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for May 3rd at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members' individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Our Landscaping Contractor has arranged for special pricing for Tree Planting this Spring. Please check your email for more information. If you are not on our email list, please send your contact information to
The neighborhood garage sale is scheduled for May 19th thru 21st.
Connect with your Home Owners Association. Send your contact information to to get on our private mailing list and receive updates and information about your neighborhood. While your Home Owners Association does post news and announcements here on the website, we also will send additional information out via email. Providing your email address to your HOA will ensure you are receiving information via all the channels.
Community Reminders:
Let’s keep the lights on! Please consider leaving your outdoor house lights on overnight, this increases safety and can help deter crime.
Dog Owners/Walkers - Please clean up after your dog. Your HomeOwners Association has provided dog waste stations throughout the neighborhood, please use these.
Canton’s Liberty Fest is the weekend of June 16th (visit for more information)
Annual Neighborhood Beautification Awards to be given in July, Anybody want to go halfsies on a Front End Loader?
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
Your HOA festivities committee has arranged for a special visit from the one and only Easter Bunny!
On Tuesday, April 12th at 7:30, the Easter Bunny and his helpers will be riding through the neighborhood bringing goodies and Easter wishes for any and all kids in the neighborhood.
EB will enter the subdivision at 7:30pm via the Beck & Torrington entrance, loop through Pavillon Rd, then exit via the Woodward & Cherry Hill entrance.
The Easter Bunny is brought to us by Canton Leisure Services. A big thank you to Board Member Sehra Siddiqui for arranging this fun event.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Home Owners Association at
Happy Easter!
February 2022 Update
Friday, February 18, 12:00 pm
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for March 9th at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members' individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Homeowners Association Dues have been collected. If you have not paid your dues, contact your treasurer at
Please remember, modifications and changes to the exterior of your home must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee. Additionally, neighbors are strongly encouraged to discuss plans with neighbors prior to making changes. Click here for the ARC Request Form.
Canton Clean up - No Recycling or Clean up Until April (visit for more information)
Snow season is upon us! Please refer to the Snow and Ice Management Program Frequently Asked Questions for guidance and information on our Snow Plowing and Salting program.
Let’s keep the lights on! Please consider leaving your outdoor house lights on overnight, this increases safety and can help deter crime.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
January 2022 Update
Wednesday, January 12th, 11:30 am
Association Dues are due January 1st. Be sure to pay by January 31st to avoid late fees!
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for February 16, at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members’ individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
Snow season is upon us! Please refer to the Snow and Ice Management Program Frequently Asked Questions for guidance and information on our Snow Plowing and Salting program.
December 2021 Update
Monday, December 6th, 12:05 pm
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for January 11th, 2022 at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Homeowners Association Dues are due January 1st. An invoice was mailed via USPS to your home address, ATTN: Current Resident, in Late November. If you have not received your invoice, or have misplaced it, please contact us at
Snow season is upon us! Please refer to the Snow and Ice Management Program Frequently Asked Questions for guidance and information on our Snow Plowing and Salting program.
Special Dates:
Canton Clean up – NO Canton Cleanup or recycling in December. (visit for more information)
Last Day for Yard refuse pick up is December 17th. Pick up will resume in April, 2022.
Christmas Tree curbside pick up is the first two weeks of January.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
Happy Holidays to Everyone! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa and a Happy New Year!
Fall 2021 Street Sweeping Scheduled
Friday, November 19th, 12:45 pm
Your Home Owners Association has arranged for Street Sweeping on Monday, November 22nd (weather permitting)
Please do not park on the streets that day.
November 2021 Update
Friday, November 19th, 12:45 pm
Our next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for January 11th at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Canton Clean up – NO Canton Cleanup or recycling in December. (visit for more information)
Last Day for Yard refuse pick up is December 17th. Pick up will resume in April, 2022.
Annual Homeowners Association Dues are due January 1st, 2022. An invoice will be mailed via USPS to your home in early December.
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
October 2021 Update
Friday, October 29th, 7:10 am
Our next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for November 9th at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Let’s keep the lights on! Please consider leaving your outdoor houselights on overnight, this increases safety and can help deter crime.
Reminder for all our dog owners - Your HomeOwners Association provides bags and waste stations at several locations throughout the neighborhood. Please utilize these to pick up after your dogs.
Reminder for everyone - Neighbors are asked to be mindful of the appearance of the neighborhood and not place Garbage, recycling and lawn waste cans prior to 6pm Thursday. Additionally, please remove garbage cans before 6 pm each Friday.
Winter is right around the corner. Please take a moment to review our Snow and Ice Management Program Frequently Asked Questions.
Email Address, Phone # changed? Help us keep in touch with you. Update your contact information:
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
Fairways West Annual Meeting Announcement
Tuesday, October 12th, 2021 8:49 am
The Annual Board Meeting is scheduled for October 26th at 7pm. The meeting will be held at the Canton Admin Offices, Freedom Room, 1150 S. Canton Center Canton, MI 48188. An invitation will be sent to the email address on file for your address. If you do not have an email address on file, or would like to verify your contact information, please contact
September 2021 Update
Tuesday, September 21st, 2021 2:00 pm
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for October 5th at 7 pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
The Annual Board Meeting is scheduled for October 26th at 7pm. The meeting will be held at the Canton Admin Offices. An invitation will be sent to the email address on file for your address. If you do not have an email address on file, or would like to verify the address, please contact
Looking to get more involved in your neighborhood? The HOA board has opportunities for you. Volunteer for a single project, serve as a board member, take an officer position, the possibilities are endless! Contact for more information.
Reminder - Please trim boulevard trees overhanging the sidewalk and roads. This makes walking the neighborhood more enjoyable for everyone.
Canton Clean up – Recycling and Clean up October 16th, (visit for more information)
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
Thursday, August 19th, 2021, 9:16 am
School will be back in session soon. Kids will be at the bus stops early, buses will be in the neighborhood. Please be sure to you are driving safely through the neighborhood considering these changing conditions.
Your next Home Owners Association meeting is scheduled for September 8th at 7pm. These monthly meetings are occasionally rescheduled to accommodate the board members' individual schedules. Please RSVP to to be sure you have the most up to date information.
Canton Clean up – Recycling and Clean up is August 21st and September 25th, (visit for more information)
Visit for more events happening around your home town!
Sunday, August 8, 2021, 2:03 pm
Please be advised, your HomeOwners Association will be temporarily pausing approval of any Architectural Change Requests. We intend this pause to be brief while we assess internal processes.
If you have questions, please contact us at